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Expand your Strymon power system.

Never run out of outputs.

Have an existing Strymon effects pedal power supply? Gain five additional isolated pedal outputs with an Expansion Kit. Easily build a modular power system that can grow with your pedalboard.

How does it work?

Expansion Kits require an existing Strymon power product which connects to an AC power outlet, either directly (Zuma, Zuma R300) or via an external power adapter (Ojai R30, Ojai). Simply link an Expansion Kit to your existing Strymon power product via the 24V jack.

What is included?

Expansion Kits consist of an isolated power distributor and all of the necessary connection cables to integrate it with your existing Strymon power supply and power up to five additional effects pedals.

When should I use an Expansion Kit?

Use an Expansion Kit when you need to add more pedals to your Strymon powered pedalboard. Expansion Kits do not come with a power adapter, and will operate only when connected to an existing Strymon power product.

An Expansion Kit adds 5 additional outputs to your Strymon power distribution system. You can add as many as 6 Expansion Kits to your system, powering up to 30 additional effects pedals, depending on which Zuma or Ojai power supply is connected to the power source and the total current requirements for the pedals.

While it’s unlikely that anyone would go to such an extreme, we wanted to ensure that the Strymon power system delivers maximum flexibility and expandability. A much more likely scenario would be to link 2 or 3 Ojai units together, powering a combination of up to 15 high and low current draw pedals.

Zuma is capable of delivering 48W, Zuma R300 can deliver 36W, and the PS-124 power adapter bundled with Ojai and Ojai R30 can deliver 24W.


8 in stock


Ojai Expansion Kit

• 5 total outputs (9V)

• Power adapter not included

• Requires existing Strymon power system

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Via Calabria 3
20158 Milano
Phone +39 02 82396445

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